Just a reminder of our Annual Ceremonial Review.
Cadets to arrive 1530 or as close to as possible for practice and set up.
Arrive in civilian dress with C1 Uniform ready to go (Ironed and shone) there will not be time Friday to work on it that night.
Hairs: females hair to be in a bun, males with hair cut, all must be off the ears and off the collar.
Cadets will be fed
Parents to arrive and be seated for 1830.
The purpose of this page is to provide the cadets and parents of 294 Kinsmen Air Cadet Squadron with up-to-date information and up coming events. This is NOT an official website. Nor is it meant to represent the views of the Department of National Defence, the Canadian Cadet Movement, the Air Cadet League of Canadian or any Squadron Sponsors.