
Tuesday, 23 April 2019

Tuesday Night's Meeting Review

In the last year the DND has introduced some statistical methods of examining the strength and sustainability of all the cadet units in the country. When the information is broken down to the local level it has become obvious through census data that the youth population in the town of Blenheim and surrounding area is in decline. This data is showing that 291 Blenheim Bomber Squadron is unsustainable as a stand alone squadron. The DND wants to maintain an air cadet presence in both Chatham and Blenheim. In order to accomplish this we are merging the two squadrons. We will parade as one squadron on Monday nights in two locations (Chatham Armoury and Blenheim High School). Everyone will become the newly named "294 Chatham-Kent Squadron", and I Captain Russell will become the Commanding Officer. We will have 3 sponsors Br 185 Legion in Blenheim, Br 642 Legion in Chatham and the Kinsmen Club. As a parent or cadet this change will have little affect on you. Weakly training will remain the same, the same opportunities for summer training and gliding and other scholarships will still be offered. Once a month the squadron will parade together in one location either Chatham or Blenheim alternating monthly, we will provide a bus to transport the cadets on that night to the training location. We are breaking new ground as we attempt this merger. The staff is working diligently behind the scenes to make this a seamless transition for the cadets and parents. If you have any questions, comments or concerns about this change please feel free to contact myself or any of our staff.


Chris Russell, CD
294 Kinsmen Sqn

Tuesday, 16 April 2019


There will be a Joint Annual Ceremonial Review practice held with 291 in Blenheim Tuesday 23 April 2019.

There is a VERY important meeting to be held at 1830hrs.  We ask that at least one parent or guardian of each cadet attend this meeting.

Location: Blenheim District High School

                  163 Chatham St. S.

                  Blenheim, ON


Times: 1830 – 2100

Dress for the practice will be: Cadets C4
                                                       Staff 3B

Tuesday, 9 April 2019

Closing Announcements

08 April 2019

Signup is available on the blog for Glider flying on May 11 and 19 there are 20 available spots on each day in the morning.  Dress for gliding is civilian attire.  

Also please note that April 15 will be civilian attire for cadets and a reminder to bring what ever you feel is necessary to decorate your teams rockets. (disregard the WRO that says uniform,  this is a civilian clothing night)

There will be no cadets on 22 April 2019

There is a PRACTICE for this year's joint ACR 23 Apr 2019 at Blenheim District High School
1830 - 2100hrs  

Save the date:  31 May 2019 is scheduled as our Annual Ceremonial Review from 1530 -2130hrs for cadets timings for guests will be different and provided I'm a forth coming invitation.