The purpose of this page is to provide the cadets and parents of 294 Kinsmen Air Cadet Squadron with up-to-date information and up coming events. This is NOT an official website. Nor is it meant to represent the views of the Department of National Defence, the Canadian Cadet Movement, the Air Cadet League of Canadian or any Squadron Sponsors.
Tuesday, 23 April 2019
Tuesday Night's Meeting Review
Chris Russell, CD
294 Kinsmen Sqn
Tuesday, 16 April 2019
There will be a Joint Annual Ceremonial Review practice held with 291 in Blenheim Tuesday 23 April 2019.
There is a VERY important meeting to be held at 1830hrs. We ask that at least one parent or guardian of each cadet attend this meeting.
Location: Blenheim District High School
163 Chatham St. S.
Blenheim, ON
Times: 1830 – 2100
Dress for the practice will be: Cadets C4
Staff 3B
Tuesday, 9 April 2019
Closing Announcements
Signup is available on the blog for Glider flying on May 11 and 19 there are 20 available spots on each day in the morning. Dress for gliding is civilian attire.
Save the date: 31 May 2019 is scheduled as our Annual Ceremonial Review from 1530 -2130hrs for cadets timings for guests will be different and provided I'm a forth coming invitation.